Wajahat, this was a moving letter you've written today. What I hope,more than anything,is that the Muslim community comes out to vote for Kamala Harris. I hope that they don't make a Political Statement by voting for Jill Stein or simply stay home. I can remember when trump slapped a Muslim Band on Air travel, and the Ugly language he continues to use when referring to People of Color. BlessingsπŸ™and will reStack ASAP πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ’™πŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠ

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A coalition of European Green party members is asking Jill Stein to withdraw from the race so she doesn't help Trump get elected https://www.commondreams.org/news/will-jill-stein-drop-out?origin=serp_auto

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Thank you Waj for continuing to be a voice of history reminding us how we got here, and though the options are not great, there is a wide difference between those with a genuine shot at being the next President of the US . . . . Voting for survival of those who will be under this leadership seems to be the wisest path as we continue to push forward for equity for all.

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Wajahat--As we speak reports of the US CIA and Zionists are making concentration camps and burying people alive right now in Northern Gaza! I was driving home with a colleague yesterday and she is a "regular" American from South Dakota. I asked her if she was going to vote for Kamala. She said, "No, I cannot possibly justify voting for her because of what they did. This was before she heard of the "CIA Concentration Camps" before many things because she watches regular news, but she finds the Holocaust absurdly revolting and Kamala Harris revolting too. The Holocaust is being born again right before our eyes and everyone is allowing it to happen. When will we ever learn?

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When there was talk of a peace agreement, I was so grateful to hear that. And then all went quiet, and I thought to myself, how many dear, sweet children in Gaza are starving to death now?!! They talked about starvation months ago, now there's nothing being said. I honestly believe this is genocide, and I'm so disgusted with what's happening. My heart just breaks for those people, and I am just a senior 72 year old Canadian woman, yet those people and their suffering I think of daily! When will some food come, and some help come?!? Just know that others are thinking of all of those dear suffering people; there just has to be help coming soon...like tomorrow...or else!!! Oh, dear, I'm starting to cry so I'll stop here.

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I am so disappointed in both candidates , I will be voting soon for everything Except for President , I will leave whoever becomes president in Gods hands

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Please vote for the candidate who is not a convicted felon, adjudged rapist & fraud, and who says she represents ALL of America. Trump is clear who he represents.

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It’s worse than Apartheid , whether you like it or not . And now its Genocide against the Palestinians , as a human , the world should be ashamed of letting this happen , God will Avenge and deal with the evil doers

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Please vote for Kamala. Leave your disappointment aside and think of your country.

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Isn't the phrase "God helps those who help themselves?"

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A stupid move. Not politically strategic.

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Waj, you've written such a succinct and morally convincing piece about your beautiful people! It was so full of information I didn't have a clue about. I learn so much from you, whether here on Substack, or with the Nerd Avengers, or Democracy-ish, and my favourite - your 'Chai Talks'!

Your ability to bring your point of view out in such deep and meaningful ways touches my heart! I know I'm all of 72 years old, but I still have a crush on you... You're brilliant, sweet and kind - who couldn't think of you as anything but a very good and kind man who speaks for those who can't. Yes, bottom line - you're a very good man, Waj! - doing good every day. I'm so grateful I can continue to have access to you in all the ways I noted above. I will pray that things change for Muslims. They are just like everybody else - trying to live a good and meaningful life in a place where they thought they would be accepted like the melting pot they thought America was. I'm so sorry for the pain Trump and those of his ilk have brought upon all of you. God bless you all or, as you so often say, Inshallah to you all!

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Yeah, Donald Trump lied about Muslim celebrating 9/11, and Joe Biden lied about beheaded Israeli babies. Did Kamala Harris ever apologize for that to the Muslim community? No. Did she allow any Palestinians to speak at any point of her campaign up to this very minute? No. Instead she sent Bill Clinton to Michigan to launch racist, insults and attacks at Palestinians directly to their faces. Will trump be worse for America and the world? Absolutely. Does that mean Kamala Harris deserves to be president or will be a good president or should be president? Absolutely f****** not.

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It seems to me that you are failing to comprehend, that by endorsing Harris, along with a handful of US Imam’s, you are obviously indirectly encouraging others to vote for her to, and that means, you are inviting people to take a β€œgamble” on Harris. You are asking for Muslim’s with a conscious and fear of God, to engage in β€œbetting” exercise??

So I ask you respectfully, if people listen to you, and feel guided by your often very wise judgment, and Harris (having won the Presidency) sells Yourself, GAZA, Lebanon etc..out entirely, will you take full responsibility for all those sins that you directly endorsed, and so facilitated, on the day of judgement, for all those people you encouraged to vote for Harris?

Surely, they can say, to God, on the day of judgement, that they were led by you, and so Harris’s (who is already complicit in genocide) future war crimes and mass murder, is not their fault, because they followed your instructions, believing that was the right thing to do? They had some duty, according to you, to protect their country!

Is your duty not towards your religious obligations first and foremost? Is it not, God first, then Family, followed then by COUNTRY?

I’m afraid, on this occasion, I am quite unable to agree with your decision, but it is your right, to chose, but why do that publicly, and run the risks, as cited above?

Personally, (if I was a USA citizen) I would not vote for Harris, based on my religious convictions, that will not allow me to mitigate or temporarily dismiss, the significant crimes against humanity, let alone being Muslim/Palestinians, perpetrated by Harris’s administration. I would not take that GAMBLE - my conscious will simply not allow it.

That said, I believe that Muslim’s should NOT vote for either candidate (Trump or Harris) and rather to follow their heart, (guided I hope by Islamic jurisprudence) and then leave the rest to almighty Allah (swt). I cannot and refuse to lend my signature to these genocidal candidates - period!! I would still go out and vote, to prevent Trump for sure, but I would take great care in my selection.

Be well, and good luck to you all in the US.

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Thank you 🩡🩡

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Well said. To "β€œBut we must punish President Biden and Kamala Harris for Gaza,” I can only say OK, do so, and punish yourselves and the rest of your fellow Americans, both those who see the danger of trump and those who are blind to it. Cast a negative vote for Harris and get a Christian nationalist/supremacist country where it is fine to deny you basic rights thanks to some Christian's "religious liberty" to discriminate. Because, you know, principles. Pure in heart; in body treated as second or third rate for the foreseeable future, you and your children.

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At least someone has common sense. Thank you. Great article.

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Peace...is who non white skinned folks should be voting for cause Trump and many of his followers don't want you messing with white folks blood lines. He'll push you on the other side of the border or his proud boys will be gunning you down if you stay.

Vote Green don't vote in the duopoly. If 1/100th of what comes out of his vile orifice comes to fruition our already fragile of a democracy will revert back to a slave nation just as many in the south and elsewhere would prefer. Sad state of affairs the duopoly has presented us with. Vote 3rd party: we need more choices America. Let's start by helping them with you vote this Nov. Up or down ticket vote 3rd party or leave the box empty.

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