Stunning that MAGA would waste 200 million targeting a small per centage of americans who present no risk to the country.

Take a minute and daydream how that money might have been better spent. Might have benefitted their own communities.

What hateful dolts

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MAGA is a shielding acronym. Behind it is a plethora of guys seeking to mke personal financial gain off of the whole deal. They don't care about the suffering of others

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A thoughtful interview of a brilliant guest. Hope to see him on again. Thank you.

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Ignorance is rampant in this country! Especially in the rural red states. All the “fear” is brought about by lack of actual education on the facts. All we can do is continue to educate the misinformed and hopefully get through to as many as possible.

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Such a wonderful interview.

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When I was six or seven years old, we would be at the dinner table and my dad would rage about how terrible Black people were. I remember thinking, "What did they ever do to you?" I didn't say it, of course. I would have gotten in big trouble.

But the only Black people who were ever around in my growing up years were the maids and the custodians at my schools. And they were my buddies because being the fat kid, the white-supremacists-in-training who were my classmates hated me, so naturally I sought out the people who were nice to me.

I never met another Black person until I got to college. And they've all been really decent people. Imagine.

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In my humble response, I am feeling very jealous of you two and your ability to speak so eloquently and intelligently! I wish I could come somewhat close but I don't. And I feel like this kind of talent is only getting more and more lost on me as I am now 67 y.o.. I am lacking the opportunities to practice the art of conversation, dialogue, debate, etc. I start talking and just stumble over my words and what I want to say. I appreciate the advice to use a therapist. I have one! I will have to share these thoughts with her next time we meet. Thank you for your wisdom and your sharing on this very important topic. Love all the work and time and energy you put into making our world a better place for all...

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Thank you!! So fed up with "dems lost because they focused too much on civil rights". Sounds exactly like something a plant would say to corrupt from the inside.

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Today I followed the leadings of Spirit and spoke up on my substack. We are all in this together, and I encourage us to sing. Once again, We Shall Overcome. We shall overcome this drived tosplit us up and enslave us. https://redbirdsroost.substack.com/p/we-shall- overcome

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What everyone needs to understand, you can’t talk sense to these people. And by the way, there are many like this in every race. They all have one thing in common. Deep inside, they feel inferior to all others. To avoid their inner feelings, they must act out! It is a weakness they cannot admit to anyone. I guarantee you there will be many poor people in the U.S. that will be hurt by what is happening. Some voted for this. If given a choice to vote over, they would vote the same! Trump & Musk hit the same notes as Hitler. It is an old guide. It will work short term, but ends in self destruction. But the good people in this country must step up fast & vigorously to end this tragedy ASAP!!! Good will overcome evil, but it is a damn shame the innocent have to go through this. They didn’t ask for this! Neither did people with sense & a good heart! We will endure. We will win!!!

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Thanks, Dr. Johnson, for all you do. Every time I think I have my act together and I'm doing things right to be a good ally, though I know you don't like that word, I see that I have so much more to do. And I'm happy to do it. I have the privilege to be able to do the work. Day by day, I keep learning, and keep fighting for equality, for everyone.

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Thank you so much for having this gentleman, Mr. Johns, on your show. I totally appreciated that!

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Yeah, well, I might not last another 13 years. I'm an old man and don't want to die in a Hitler-type regime.

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In Gratitude for word questions, words and book references. These are the very justifications FOR FEDERAL money, departments to educate... Can you imagine HOW vaste the population is of White people is, who have NO ACCESS, experience or exposure to LGTBQIA people? I say this because my bubble of San Francisco Bay Area led me to assume diversity and tolerance everywhere. The vast expanse of White population has NO Idea of their white fragility, with communities soo homogenous and isolated, the federal government NEEDS to invest in this type of education! I talk with anyone when there's an inroad to it. I share Layla Saad's workbook "Me and White Supremacy." White people Must take the time to share, read and educate. Also Robin De'Angelos book "White Fragility.

Also, I'm curious to get your views, or hear discussions around Isabel Wilkerson's concept of " caste" system in the U.S.

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