Aug 23Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

My county commission just tried this. In Washoe County, they voted 3-2 to not certify primary results. The AG and SOS came in and told them you can't do this. A bunch of people emailed and called those who voted not to certify. The next week the reversed course. Washoe is the swing part of NV so they were doing a test run for November. Hopefully, they learned their lesson when the AG told them they would get sued. We shall see but they revealed their cards.

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Aug 23Liked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Very good Left Hook and much needed info. I’m way long retired white lady also and being an election judge is how I make sure people get to vote. I think my governor may move to DC and will miss him.

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I am a pathetic (not) retired white lady in Georgia. I wrote the postcards for seven years that got Ossoff Warnock and Biden elected. I am here with Brad Raffensberger Chris Carr the attorney general and a very popular successful governor Brian Kemp. Fani Willis is in my county. It didn’t happen with no warning in 2020 and it is not happening in 2024. Believe that and not only that Kamala Harris will win this state. Atlanta is the fastest growing city in the country. Marc Elias should have a condo here. Just sayin’.

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Not pathetic!

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Oh I was all in my feels riding high on hope . . . . And then I read a small news article this a.m. that said the Democratic Party Platform Criminal Justice Plank had basically been rewritten this convention (after decades of work to be more progressive towards real justice for everyone) and wiped out the language opposing capital punishment, LWOP for young adults, police accountability . . . . Now I hear that a chance of Democracy surviving on life-support is even further narrowed than the Electoral College already has made it . . .it could come down to local election board schemes to deny certification in Georgia . . . The phrase, “Freedom Cannot Protect Itself” takes on a new meaning every day. Thank you Ari Breman, and you also Waj for sounding the alarm I’ll be joining in writing postcards encouraging GA voters to attend their local election board meetings and to create a blue wave in GA so high, those would be enemies of democracy are washed out to sea.

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trump thanks you guys for the Advance Warning about the Election Results ! he says that he will be ready for the showdown !

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Both parties will try to steal the election. The Electoral College has done it to us and the duopoly will do it to the other for dominance over the other. Not that it makes an ioda of difference Both parties will keep the genocide going, the proxy war going, the errosion of our civil liberties continuing. This beat will go on and on til we ghost both parties. How. 1st don't vote them in.2nd vote 3rd party




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