4 hrs agoLiked by THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali

Mark Robinson may call himself a “Black Nazi” but that’s not what white Nazis call him.

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Nope! They own him. They have to carry him through Election Day.

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It’ll be interesting to see how MAGA handles this!

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I just don’t get MAGA types. How did they tumble so far down the rabbit hole? How is rooting for a guy like this going to help your state? Shake my head.

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Good news - this racist mofo will be on the ballot in NC - he could not get out of it. So maybe, just maybe, CNN can publish the rest of the missing crap and that ends the careers of this guy and Agolf Shitler at the same time!

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NCGOP released a statement supporting him. Some senators and other Rs are speaking up. But he has less than 45 mins to drop!


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If only IF ONLY this was just a great drama at the cinema!!!!!! I’d be glued to the screen, but I’m in the dang car with them. If there was ever a motivation to use the power voting gives you.

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