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"It's On": Time for Democrats To Blitz

I'm all in for Tim Walz going on offense and mocking J.D. Vance with couch jokes. This is the joy and energy that is needed. If he's the football coach, then I hope he calls blitz on every play.

*Editor’s Note For This Week: Dear Readers, I’m making an appeal for you to subscribe and financially support The Left Hook so I can continue building out this community and creating content. I had no idea it would grow so quickly and that I’d be writing daily (I love it!), but I have to be find a way to make it sustainable. Please do consider becoming a paid subscriber. I’ve made it as affordable as I can: $5 a month, $50 a year, $250 as a gift. Thank you! Onward!

Because I’m a masochist, I appear on Piers Morgan Uncensored about twice a month alongside right-wing MAGA cheerleaders who often dominate the airtime with nonsense talking points. I usually just sit back and smile. The host has always been fair to me, and I get to say my piece. I generally enjoy testing out my principles, thoughts, arguments and speed against a hostile crowd.

Right after VP Kamala Harris announced Tim Walz as her running mate, I appeared on a panel earlier today in which Gov. Walz was painted as a flaming, liberal extremist whose progressive policies would turn off America. There were clips of #TamponTim which was meant to disparage him for a Minnesota law that required menstrual products to be available in public school bathrooms. (Shockingly, this made him even more popular!) There was another clip of Republicans using his breakthrough “weird” attack against him, but that also failed.

Meanwhile, the GOP, some Never Trump Republicans, and corporate media pundits are still trying to gaslight Americans into thinking Democrats are anti-semitic for passing over Gov. Shapiro. Well, the popular Jewish governor of Pennsylvania kicked off the Harris-Walz rally in Philly today with a passionate speech, so he seems fine with the ticket. Ditto Senator Chuck Schumer and Senator Bernie Sanders, who are both Jewish, along with Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris’s very Jewish husband. So, yeah, that talking point failed as well.


Now, we must endure the exhausting pearl-clutching from the civility police who have been unleashed to wag their fingers at the majority for supporting Tim Walz’s excellent and harmless “couch” joke during the rally. Someone sent out a bat signal on conservative WhatsApp with a talking point that was reiterated on CNN and by some Never Trump Republicans chiding us for having some good-natured fun at the expense of fascists.

Give me more cowbell and give me more couch jokes!

“When they go low…I take out their legs and put them in a knee bar.” I’m all for couch jokes. Trump recently admitted he hates being laughed at, so go for it! The best way to weaken and diminish bullies is to mock them and laugh at them. Mind you earlier today Trump mocked and ridiculed Kamala Harris as “Kamabla” and took a Delorean back to 2008 Birther conspiracy-ville and wrote “Barack HUSSEIN Obama” to invoke fear-mongering over his Arabic middle name. He also promoted the election lie. This is a man who has belittled soldiers, Congresswomen of color, Paul Pelosi, journalists, poll workers, teachers, judges, law enforcement, and fellow Republicans. MAGA has mainstreamed anti-semitic and white supremacist conspiracy theories against liberals and Democrats insinuating they are part of a global cabal of child predators being funded by “Soros” (Jews) who are also trying to replace white people with Muslims, Latinos and Black people.

For too long the majority has been hijacked by the “economic anxiety” of an extremist minority who gives cruelty but expects civility and wants safe spaces for themselves and their own brittle fragility.

Nah, it’s time to share the love and reciprocate.

Let’s have Coach Walz v. Couch Vance and go on offense until November.

I call Blitz. 

It’s on.

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