
What The F#*K is Wrong With The New York Times?

Why is the paper of record failing so absymally ahead of the 2024 election when our literal democracy is at stake? Journalist James Fallows dissects what's wrong with the NYT and offers remedies.
When the New York Times lost its way

I know it’s en vogue to mock and ridicule corporate media and establishment journalism. To be fair, they have earned the nation’s scorn and mockery with their incessant “both sides” framing, double standards, comical “fact checking,” and normalization of Donald Trump’s lies, cruelty and authoritarianism.

However, I assure you that I criticize these institutions with the intention of making them better. Too much is at stake. In fact, I was a contributing op-ed writer for five years at the NYT. I know there are ethical, hard-working journalists who try, every day, to present the truth and inform the public.

Unfortunately, their contributions are drowned by short-sighted and harmful editorial decisions that seek to prioritize click-bait, ratings, views, and performative neutrality that create an artificial symmetry between both political parties.

So, what the f#%! happened? Why is the NYT failing in this moment? What explains their lopsided coverage that is now verging on the brink of self-parody?

I talk to veteran journalist and reporter James Fallows, editor of Breaking the News, to diagnose the problem and offer us solutions on how the paper of record can find its way and its purpose.

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